Like most toddlers, our almost 2-year-old daughter loves to help out with chores around the house, from sweeping to tidying to feeding the dog, and she even tries to help shovel snow. She’s curious about everything, and enjoys copying what mama and dada do. We encourage her to help whenever she can (and when it’s safe!), and one of her favourite tasks is cooking.
While we keep her far, far away from the hot stove and sharp knives, we have lots of fun putting ingredients in bowls, measuring and mixing. Stirring is the most fun for her, and she loves scooping flour into the measuring cup and cracking eggs. The best part about involving her when it comes to meal time is that she’s much, much more likely to eat the food she helps to make!
Over the Christmas holidays our daughter and her grandparents spent time lots of making cookies, waffles and other yummy treats. While it made for big messes (flour on the floor, spilled almond milk, tiny handprints everywhere), it made for great memories too!
What foods do you make with your toddler?

Decorating Gingerbread Men

Showing Nana how to stir

The finished product — they’re not pretty, but they taste great!